HomeRMHAM Completes Redundant Microwave Network to Pueblo

RMHAM Completes Redundant Microwave Network to Pueblo

RMHAM has completed a new microwave ring to Pueblo (Cedarwood site) along the front range.  We’re working our way to Lamar over the next months.  The site installation started Friday August 30, 2024 and finished on Saturday afternoon, August 31, 2024.  Dave WA1JHK, Lexi N0LXI, Mark N7CTM, John W0VG, Mike K7AIH, Doug K2AD, Chris K0SWE, Mike W9CN, Tony KF0RPC, Randy (No Call), Mark N0OHJ, Dick WB0EVA were on the installation team.  This was a big project and came off very well.

We’re moving forward with the network additions and will be adding new DMR and analog coverage in the state!


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