Radio Systems

Rocky Mountain Ham Radio operates 8 analog Repeaters along the front range that cover wide areas.  These systems are our legacy systems.  Our main focus is the DMR network that is always being developed.  DMR Information in the menu above.

Analog FM Repeaters

Critchell Mountain147.120 MHz (+600 KHz offset)88.5 Hz encode/decodeSouthern Metro Area Stand alone RepeaterNØARA/ROperational
Critchell Mountain447.500 MHz (-5 MHz offset)88.5 Hz encode/decodeSouthern Metro Area Stand alone RepeaterNØOWY/ROperational
Guy Hill147.150 MHz (+600 KHz offset)100 Hz encode/decodeCentral Metro Area Guy Hill Linkable Repeater SystemWØUAW/ROffline/For Repairs
Guy Hill224.74 MHz (-1.6 MHz offset)88.5 Hz encode/decodeCentral Metro Area Guy Hill Linkable Repeater SystemNØPOH/ROperational
Guy Hill448.850 MHz (-5 MHz offset)88.5 Hz encode/decodeCentral Metro Area Guy Hill Linkable Repeater SystemKØIBM/ROperational
Squaw Mountain448.225 MHz (-5 MHz offset)141.3 Hz encode/decodeExtreme wide area coverage from Wyoming to the top of MonumentNØSZ/ROperational
Thorodin Mountain449.225 MHz (-5 MHz offset)141.3 Hz encode/decodeExtreme wide area coverage - Wyoming to the top of Monument.  Connected to the Fun Machine linked systemWE0FUN/ROperational

Packet Systems, APRS & BPQ Nodes

FrequencyCoverageTypeCallRMS CallStatus
144.39South Denver MetroAPRS iGateN0SZ-2N/AOperational
144.91South Denver MetroVara FM/Packet WinlinkN/AN0SZ-10Operational
145.05Denver Front RangePacket/BPQK0NTS-7K0NTS-10Operational
145.09Longmont/Boulder CountyPacket/BPQNV0N-7NV0N-10Operational

6 meter Propagation Beacon

The K0IBM/B operates on 50.067 MHz and provides a viable CW signal source for local testing and allows distance stations to observe propagation to DM79.