DMR Site Information

Rocky Mountain Ham Radio’s DMR Network Information as of March 10, 2025.

  • SPECIAL NOTE:  Private calling, texting, DPRS/APRS/GPS Location Services should never be used on the Rocky Mountain Ham Radio Network.  Texting, DPRS/APRS/GPS and data applications may only be used on Eastern Talkgroup 705 with proper station identification.  See below.
  •  The Rocky Mountain Ham Radio Network no longer connected to Brandmeister.  See this page for more information
  • Current updated “Sample Codeplugs” for several radios are available in the menu above on the top line menu “Sample Codeplugs.”

Full Time DMR Sites in the RMHAM Network

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NameSiteSponsorRepeater InputRepeater OutputColorTalkgroupsRepeater & Link Status
AkronAkronNEAHR443.1750 MHz448.1750 MHz7TS1 TG700 WIDE
TS2 TG721 N
Albuquerque NMSandia CrestRMHAM-KA8JMW447.9000* MHz442.9000* MHz7TS1 TG700 WIDE
TS2 TG719 S
TS2 TG505 NM
Online antenna lower than normal
FairplayBadger MountainRMHAM-N0SZ441.7625 MHz446.7625 MHz7TS1 TG700 WIDE
Boulder SouthEldoradoRMHAM-N0SZ441.9875 MHz446.9875 MHz7TS1 TG700 WIDE
TS2 TG721 N
Boulder - Lee Hill Lee HillRMHAM-N0SZ440.0500 MHz445.0500 MHz9TS1 TG705 E
Breckenridge/Summit CoBaldyRMHAM-N0SZ440.0875 MHz445.0875 MHz7TS1 TG700 WIDE
Online - Solar site
BurlingtonBurlingtonRMHAM-N0SZ440.0500 MHz445.0500 MHz6TS1 TG700 WIDE
Cheyenne, WYSouth CheyenneRMHAM-K7PFJ444.9375 MHz449.9375 MHz7TS1 TG700 WIDE
Canon CityFremont PeakRMHAM-K0JSC441.7375 MHz446.7375 MHz7TS1 TG700 WIDE
TS2 TG719 S
Colorado Springs VHFAlmagre MountainRMHAM-N0SZ144.6350 MHz145.2350 MHz7TS1 TG700 WIDE
TS2 TG705 E
Offline, Antenna Problems
Colorado Springs Cheyenne MountainCOLCON440.0625 MHz445.0625 MHz7TS1 TG700 WIDE
TS2 TG719 S
Colorado SpringsAlmagre MountainRMHAM-K7PFJ441.9500 MHz446.9500 MHz7TS1 TG700 WIDE
TS2 TG719 S
Denver-West UHFSquaw MountainRMHAM-N0SZ441.9375 MHz446.9375 MHz7TS1 TG700 WIDE
Denver-North UHFThorodin MountainRMHAM-N0SZ441.8000 MHz446.8000 MHz7TS1 TG700 WIDE
Denver-Central UHFLookout Mountain UHFRMHAM-WA2YZT441.8375 MHz446.8375 MHz7TS1 TG710 DEN LOnline
Denver-Central VHFLookout Mountain VHFRMHAM-N0SZ144.7700 MHz145.3700 MHz7TS1 TG700 WIDE
TS2 TG705 E
Denver-VHFLower Squaw MtRMHAM-N0SZ144.5750 MHz145.1750 MHz7TS1 TG700 WIDE
TS2 TG705 E
Douglas CountyDevils HeadRMHAM-N0SZ441.9250 MHz446.9250 MHz8TS1 TG719 SOUTH
Durango/MissionaryMissionary RidgeRMHAM-N5UBJ440.1375 MHz445.1375 MHz7TS1 TG700 WIDE
TS2 TG505 NM
TS2 TG745 4C LCL
Offline - Power Issue
Durango/MancosCaviness MtnRMHAM-N5UBJ441.7375 MHz446.7375 MHz6TS1 TG700 WIDE
TS2 TG505 NM
TS2 TG745 4C LCL
Farmington NMFAA HillRMHAM-N5UBJ445.3000* MHz440.3000* MHz6TS1 TG700 WIDE
TS2 TG505 NM
TS2 TG745 4C LCL
Fort Collins VHFBuckhornRMHAM144.7550 MHz145.3550 MHz7TS1 TG700 WIDE
TS2 TG705 E
Online (Weak RX)
Fort CollinsBuckhornRMHAM440.2000 MHz445.2000 MHz7TS1 TG700 WIDE
TS2 TG721 N
Fort CollinsCSUCSUARC/W0QEY441.7625 MHz446.7625 MHz8TS1 TG722 FTC LCL
TS2 TG721 N
Fort MorganFort MorganNEAHR443.2000 MHz448.2000 MHz7TS1 TG700 WIDE
TS2 TG721 N
Offline, MOVING
Grand JunctionGrand MesaRMHAM-KB0YNA440.0500 MHz445.0500 MHz5TS1 TG700 WIDE
Holyoke NEW!HolyokeRMHAM-N0FON440.1625 MHz445.1625 MHz7TS1 TG700 WIDE
TS2 TG721 N
Karval NEW!Wild Horse PointRMHAM-K0RPC440.1250 MHz445.1250 MHz7TS1 TG700 WIDE
TS2 TG719 S
LeadvilleMosquitoRMHAM-N0SZ440.0500 MHz445.0500 MHz7TS1 TG700 WIDE
LimonCedar PointRMHAM-N0SZ440.275 MHz445.275 MHz7TS1 TG700 WIDE
Limon BCedar PointKE0GVY441.7375 MHz446.7375 MHz9TS1 TG721 N
TS2 TG719 S
Los Alamos NMPajaritoRMHAM-NM5BB447.2250* MHz442.2250* MHz7TS1 TG700 WIDE
TS2 TG719 S
TS2 TG505 NM
Montrose WaterdogRMHAM-KB0YNA440.0750 MHz445.0750 MHz8TS1 TG700 WIDE
PuebloCedarwoodRMHAM-N0SZ441.9625 MHz446.9625 MHz8TS1 TG700 WIDE
TS2 TG719 S
PuebloDowntown PuebloRMHAM-N0SZ441.9875 MHz446.9875 MHz8TS1 TG700 WIDE
TS2 TG719 S
RangelyCathedral BluffsRMHAM-N0SZ440.2625 MHz445.2625 MHz7TS1 TG700 WIDE
SalidaMethodist MtnRMHAM-N0SZ441.8125 MHz446.8125 MHz7TS1 TG700 WIDE
TS2 TG719 S
Sterling Coming Soon!SterlingRMHAM-N0SZ440.1000445.10008TS1 TG700 WIDE
TS2 TG721 N
Coming Soon!
Taos NMPicurisRMHAM-KF5PFO447.1750* MHz442.1750* MHz5TS1 TG700 WIDE
TS2 TG719 S
TS2 TG505 NM
Online - Solar Site
Syracuse, KS Coming Soon!Syracuse, KSRMHAM-N0SZ449.925* MHz444.925* MHz7TS1 TG700 WIDE
TS2 TG719 S
TS2 TG718 SE
Coming Soon!
Deora Coming Soon!FrickRMHAM-N0SZ446.975 MHz441.975 MHz7TS1 TG700 WIDE
TS2 TG719 S
TS2 TG718 SE
Coming Soon!
VailDowd JunctionRMHAM-N0SZ440.0750 MHz445.0750 MHz7TS1 TG700 WIDE
Westcreek/Douglas CoWestcreekRMHAM-N0SZ441.8750 MHz446.8750 MHz6TS1 TG700 WIDE

*It should be noted that KS and NM Repeaters follow the commercial convention for UHF repeaters and is backwards from Colorado’s non-standard layout

Rocky Mountain Ham Radio Talk Groups

We will use the following talk groups on the RMHAM Network.  Note that we ONLY support these talkgroups on our statewide network. No push-to-talk talkgroup selection is available on the RMHAM network.  No Brandmeister Connectivity!

Talk GroupDescription
505New Mexico (All New Mexico and Durango/Mancos Repeaters) NEW!
700Rocky Mountain Wide
705Eastern (Configured for Data and Text Testing - Manual Station Identification is required.) Lee Hill UHF, Almagre VHF, Squaw VHF, Buckhorn VHF
705Eastern - Boulder - Lee Hill Machine Only
710Denver Local (Lookout Mountain UHF repeater only)
711Devilshead Local (Devilshead UHF repeater only)
713Sandia Local (Sandia/Albuquerque repeater only)
714Pajarito/Los Alamos Local (Los Alamos repeater only)
715Taos Local (Picuris Repeater Only)
716Limon B Local (Limon B Repeater Only)
718Southeast Region (Karval and Syracuse KS repeaters)
719Southern Colorado Regional
720Central Regional
721Northern Colorado Regional
722Ft Collins Local (Fort Collins CSU Repeater Only)
723Boulder Local (Boulder - Lee Hill Repeater only)
745Four Corners Regional (Farmington Caviness and Durango repeaters only) NEW!

Rocky Mountain Wide Network – Talk Group 700

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The Rocky Mountain Wide network will provide extremely wide area coverage across much of Colorado and a significant part of New Mexico.   No private calling on any RMHAM talkgroup.  No Data, Texting or locations services are allowed.  No Brandmeister Connectivity.  Repeaters supporting this talk group are:

NameSiteRepeater InputRepeater OutputColor CodeTime Slot
AkronAkron443.1750 MHz448.1750 MHz71
AlbuquerqueSandia Crest447.9000 MHz442.9000 MHz71
Boulder SouthEldorado441.9875 MHz446.9875 MHz71
BreckenridgeBaldy440.0875 MHz445.0875 MHz71
BurlingtonBurlington440.0500 MHz445.0500 MHz61
Canon CityFremont Peak441.7375 MHz446.7375 MHz71
Cheyenne, WYSouth Cheyenne444.9375 MHz449.9375 MHz71
Colorado Springs VHFAlmagre Mountain144.6350 MHz145.2350 MHz71
Colorado SpringsAlmagre Mountain441.9500 MHz446.9500 MHz71
Colorado SpringsCheyenne Mountain440.0625 MHz445.0625 MHz71
Denver VHFSquaw Mountain144.5750 MHz145.1750 MHz71
Denver West UHFSquaw Mountain441.9375 MHz446.9375 MHz71
Denver North UHFThorodin Mountain441.8000 MHz446.8000 MHz71
Denver Central VHFLookout Mountain VHF144.7700 MHz145.3700 MHz71
DurangoMancos441.7375 MHz446.7375 MHz61
DurangoMissionary440.1375 MHz445.1375 MHz71
FairplayBadger Mountain441.7625 MHz446.7625 MHz71
FarmingtonFAA Hill445.3000 MHz440.3000 MHz61
Fort CollinsBuckhorn440.2000 MHz445.2000 MHz71
Fort CollinsBuckhorn144.7550 MHz145.3550 MHz71
Fort MorganFort Morgan EOC443.2000 MHz448.2000 MHz71
Grand JunctionGrand Mesa440.0500 MHz445.0500 MHz51
HolyokeHolyoke440.1625 Mhz445.1625 Mhz71
KarvalWild Horse Point440.1250 MHz445.1250 MHz71
LeadvilleLeadville440.0500 MHz445.0500 MHz71
LimonCedar Point440.275 MHz445.275 MHz71
Los AlamosPajarito447.2250 MHz442.2250 MHz71
MontroseWaterdog440.0750 MHz445.0750 MHz81
PuebloCedarwood441.9625 MHz446.9625 MHz81
PuebloDowntown Pueblo441.9875 MHz446.9875 MHz81
RangelyCathedral Bluffs440.2625 MHz445.2625 MHz71
SalidaMethodist Mtn441.8125 MHz446.8125 Mhz71
Syracuse, KSSyracuse449.925 MHz444.925 MHz71
TaosPicuris447.1750 MHz442.1750 MHz51
VailDowd Junction440.0750 MHz445.0750 MHz71
WestcreekWestcreek441.8750 MHz446.8750 Mhz61

Eastern Colorado Regional Network (NEW!) – Talkgroup 705

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Private calling is not allowed on any RMHAM talkgroup including 705. 

This talkgroup has been set up to allow data modes.  We are allowing experimentation with data and texting on this talkgroup and repeaters only. The rest of the RMHAM network is strictly off limits for data, texting and GPS modes.  Because the DMR protocol does not contain a legal ID, you must manually identify your station every 10 minutes.

NameSiteRX FrequencyTransmit FrequencyColor CodeTime Slot
BoulderLee Hill440.0500 MHz445.0500 MHz91
Colorado Springs VHFAlmagre Mountain144.6350 MHz145.2350 MHz72
Denver VHFSquaw Mountain144.5750 MHz145.1750 MHz72
Fort Collins VHFBuckhorn144.7550 MHz145.3550 MHZ72

Central Regional Network – Talk Group 720

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A regional network supporting the Central Colorado area using Talk Group 720. No Private Calling, Data, Texting or GPS allowed. No Brandmeister Connectivity. Repeaters supporting this talk group are:

NameSiteRepeater InputRepeater OutputColor CodeTime Slot
BreckenridgeBaldy440.0875 MHz445.0875 MHz72
BurlingtonBurlington440.0500 MHz445.0500 MHz62
Denver West UHFSquaw Mountain441.9375 MHz446.9375 MHz72
Denver North UHFThorodin Mountain441.8000 MHz446.8000 MHz72
Denver Central UHFLookout Mountain UHF441.8375 MHz446.8375 MHz72
Denver Central VHFLookout Mountain VHF144.7700 MHz145.3700 MHZ72
FairplayBadger Mountain441.7625 MHz446.7625 MHz72
Grand JunctionGrand Mesa440.0500 MHz445.0500 MHz52
LeadvilleLeadville440.0500 MHz445.0500 MHz72
LimonCedar Point440.275 MHz445.275 MHz72
MontroseWaterdog440.0750 MHz445.0750 MHz82
RangelyCathedral Bluffs440.2625 MHz445.2625 MHz72
VailVail440.0750 MHz445.0750 MHz72
Westcreek/Doug. Co.Westcreek441.8750 MHz446.8750 MHz62

Northern Regional Network – Talk Group 721

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A regional network supporting Northern Colorado is established using Talk Group 721. No Private Calling, Data, Texting or GPS allowed. No Brandmeister Connectivity. Repeaters supporting this talk group are:

NameSiteRepeater InputRepeater OutputColor CodeTime Slot
AkronAkron443.1750 MHz448.1750 MHz72
Boulder SouthEldorado441.9875 MHz446.9875 MHz72
Cheyenne, WY RMHRSouth Cheyenne444.9375 MHz449.9375 MHz72
Fort CollinsBuckhorn440.200 MHz445.200 MHz72
Fort CollinsCSU441.7625 MHz446.7625 MHz82
Fort CollinsHorsetooth Mountain441.7500 MHz446.7500 MHz72
Fort MorganFort Morgan EOC (mixed mode)443.2000 MHz448.2000 MHz72
HolyokeHolyoke440.1625 Mhz445.1625 Mhz72
Limon BCedar Point441.7375 MHz446.7375 MHz91

New Mexico Regional Talkgroup (NM) NEW! – Talk Group 505

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A regional network supporting all repeaters in New Mexico.  No Private Calling, Data, Texting or GPS allowed. No Brandmeister Connectivity. Repeaters supporting this talk group are:

NameSiteRepeater InputRepeater OutputColor CodeTime Slot
Albuquerque NMSandia Crest447.9000 MHz442.9000 MHz72
DurangoMancos/Caviness441.7375 MHz446.7375 MHz62
DurangoMissionary440.1375 MHz445.1375 MHz72
Farmington NMFAA Hill445.3000 MHz440.3000 MHz62
Los Alamos NMPajarito447.2250 MHz442.2250 MHz72
Taos NMPicuris447.175 MHz442.175 MHz52

Southern Regional Network – Talk Group 719

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A regional network supporting Southern Colorado is being established using Talk Group 719.   No Private Calling, Data, Texting or GPS allowed. No Brandmeister Connectivity.  Repeaters supporting this talk group are:

NameSiteRepeater InputRepeater OutputColor CodeTime Slot
Albuquerque NMSandia Crest447.9000 MHz442.9000 MHz72
Canon CityFremont Peak441.7375 MHz446.7375 MHz72
Colorado SpringsAlmagre Mountain441.9500 MHz446.9500 MHz72
Colorado SpringsCheyenne Mtn440.0625 MHz445.0625 MHz72
Douglas CountyDevils Head441.9250 MHz446.9250 MHz81
DurangoMancos/Caviness441.7375 MHz446.7375 MHz62
DurangoMissionary440.1375 MHz445.1375 MHz72
Farmington NMFAA Hill445.3000 MHz440.3000 MHz62
Wild Horse Point440.1250 MHz445.1250 MHz72
Limon BCedar Point441.7375 MHz446.7375 MHz92
Los Alamos NMPajarito447.2250 MHz442.2250 MHz72
PuebloCedarwood441.9625 MHz446.9625 MHz82
PuebloDowntown Pueblo441.9875 MHz446.9875 MHz82
SalidaMethodist Mtn441.8125 MHz446.8125 MHz72
Syracuse, KSSyracuse449.925 MHz444.925 MHz72
Taos NMPicuris447.175 MHz442.175 MHz52

South East Regional Network NEW! – Talk Group 718

A regional network supporting South Eastern Colorado is being established using Talk Group 718.   No Private Calling, Data, Texting or GPS allowed. No Brandmeister Connectivity.  Repeaters supporting this talk group are:

NameSiteRepeater InputRepeater OutputColor CodeTime Slot
Wild Horse Point440.1250 MHz445.1250 MHz72
Syracuse, KSSyracuse449.925 MHz444.925 MHz72

Four Corners Regional Network (4Corners) NEW! – Talk Group 745

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A regional network supporting the Four Corners region, SW Colorado, NW New Mexico, SE Utah and NE New Mexico.  No Private Calling, Data, Texting or GPS allowed. No Brandmeister Connectivity. Repeaters supporting this talkgroup are:

NameSiteRepeater InputRepeater OutputColor CodeTime Slot
DurangoMancos/Caviness441.7375 MHz446.7375 MHz62
DurangoMissionary440.1375 MHz445.1375 MHz72
Farmington NMFAA Hill445.3000 MHz440.3000 MHz62

Local Only Talk Groups

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Local Talkgroups are supporting the areas near the repeaters listed.  These are not linked talkgroups and are standalone repeaters. No Private Calling, Data, Texting or GPS allowed on any of these repeaters. No Brandmeister Connectivity.

NameSiteRepeater InputRepeater OutputColor CodeTime SlotTalkgroup
Albuquerque NMSandia Crest447.9000 MHz442.9000 MHz72TG 713
BoulderLee Hill440.0500 MHz445.0500 MHz92TG 723
Los Alamos NMPajarito447.2250 MHz442.2250 MHz72TG 714
Fort CollinsCSU441.7625 MHz446.7625 MHz81TG 722
Denver Central UHFLookout Mountain441.8375 MHz446.8375 MHz71TG 710
DevilsheadDevilshead441.9250 MHz446.9250 MHz82TG 711
Taos NMPicuris447.1750 MHz442.1750 MHz52TG 715

Microwave Network

Rocky Mountain Ham Radio has built and operates a microwave network covering three states.  Our microwave link system covers throughout the Front Range from Wyoming to the Albuquerque and West to Grand Junction to interconnect our radio sites on Amateur Radio frequencies and not be reliant on the commercial Internet as much as possible.  We’ve linked all of our front range sites and are working to add others as quickly as the funds and time will allow. Rocky Mountain Ham Radio is an IRS 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization. Any donations you may care to make are fully tax deductible. Learn More Here

If you have access to a good radio site and/or internet access and would be willing to assist us in creating and managing this network, please contact us and discuss what we can do to make this happen. We would like to create the network around the state, but we’re not building overlapping coverage.  If you have a site, and it makes sense for us to deploy there, we will see what we can do!  On our road map, Telluride, Ouray, San Luis Valley, Southeast/Lajunta/Springfield, Northeast Sterling/Julesburg.

DMR Legality on the Ham Bands

The FCC has officially allowed DMR on the amateur bands by allowing the emission type specified for DMR. 7K60FXE is now allowed in Part 97.

Please note:  Certain autonomous features (like GPS positions and data transmissions) are definitely not allowed since there’s no way to transmit a FCC Legal Identification every 10 minutes as required. (Your DMR ID is not a legal identification.)  Encryption is never allowed in part 97 and must not be used on DMR or any other amateur mode.

Excerpt from §97.119 Station identification:

(a) Each amateur station, except a space station or telecommand station, must transmit its assigned call sign on its transmitting channel at the end of each communication, and at least every 10 minutes during a communication, for the purpose of clearly making the source of the transmissions from the station known to those receiving the transmissions. No station may transmit unidentified communications or signals, or transmit as the station call sign, any call sign not authorized to the station.

FCC GRANTS WAIVER:  March 22, 2013 the FCC Granted the ARRL’s  petition for a waiver to the commissions rules regarding the use of single slot TDMA on the ham bands pending permanent rulemaking proceedings on the subject.  The full order is here for your perusal.